We commit to improve our customers’ performance by applying our experience and knowledge in medical and educational informatics to deliver remarkable values and innovations
We are specialists in developing customized Commercial Grade Applications & systems. We have significant experience in developing & deploying such Business-Critical Custom Applications and systems. We also provide customized software solutions to serve the fields of Medical & Educational Informatics. Our specialty in the field of Software Development is a Complete e-School System.
Sia Solutionz e–School Solution is our global product for Schools to Manage their Students,Payroll,Attendance,Class room scheduling & Other Staff and Resources.
Teacher Educational Systems
The Online Teacher Educational System is a web based system used by the University Faculty to interacts with their students. The teacher using the system upload materials for students coursewsie,teacher can post an assignments with deadline and teacher can access anf compile final course report on term basis.
Online Conference Registration Systems
Application allow
organizers to conduct a conference including attendee registration,badge printing,certificate printing and payment.
Currency Exchange Management System
System facilitate to manage all the operation to run a Currency Exchange.The feature include Buying/Selling of currency integrated to accounting system and payroll management.More than 60 reports facilitate the end user to genearte multiple reports to monitor the opertaions in the exchange.The system allow the head office to have a full control on all the operations in the branches under them and can gerate customized report for the branches on the fly.